Heartland Soil & Crop

Heartland Soil and Crop Grassroots Research Project – Testing biologicals on soybeans

Critical micronutrient tissue test levels and filling the N-gap in soybean with biologicals

Project highlights

The project is underway with soybean trials at the Elora Research Station.

About the project

Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA) approved a research project in early 2024, to be undertaken by the Heartland SCIA.

  • To establish critical leaf tissue test levels in soybeans for micro-nutrient (boron, iron, manganese and zinc) sufficiency and boron toxicity.
  • To provide a uniform set of high-resolution images for micro-nutrient deficiencies visible in soybean leaves.
  • To evaluate the ability of biological nitrogen fertilizer applications to compensate for reduced atmospheric nitrogen fixation in soybeans under drought stress.

Relevance and benefit:
There is tremendous interest in the agricultural community on the role bio-stimulants could play in growing high yielding crops with fewer inputs. This project thus aims to provide much needed guidance on the economics and agronomics of various micro-nutrients used by soybeans as well as feedback on the potential benefits, and a comparison of various nitrogen fertilizers available in Ontario.

If this project is successful, in future work the digital photographs of leaves with known micro-nutrient deficiencies will be used to attempt to develop an AI image analysis model that can be incorporated into a phone app and used to diagnose soybean micro-nutrient deficiencies in the field.

  • Envita – foliar application
  • Utrisha N – foliar application
  • Cell Tech Peat and Liquid – seed application
  • NResponse – foliar application
  • Urea/Puryield – soil application
  • Megafol – vegetative foliar application
  • YieldON – reproductive foliar application
  • Megafol + YieldON – respectively reproductive and vegetative foliar application
  • Control: No treatments applied

Research locations

Nine research sites have been selected for this study, including sites at the Elora Research Station, in the Perth, Huron, Waterloo and Wellington counties, and one additional site at the Winchester Research Station in eastern Ontario.

Project updates

Check back soon for more project updates!

Research photos from the Elora Research Station

Trial setup in a larger soybean field (below)

Partners and Collaborators

The organizations involved in this project include the University of Guelph, Syngenta Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agri-business, and Honeyland Ag Services