Heartland Soil & Crop

Huron County Soil and Crop Grassroots Research Project – Cover Crops

Integration of Cover Crops after Grain Corn and Soybeans

Project highlights

In July 2024, Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA) approved a research project to be undertaken by the Huron County SCIA.

About the project

In July 2024, Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA) approved a research project to be undertaken by the Huron County SCIA.

  • Investigate the impact of cover crops on subsequent crops and their potential benefits to soil health and water quality.
  • Help demonstrate the feasibility of using cover crops after late-season crops when most producers are challenged with weather, field conditions, and time to establish cover crops.

Relevance and benefit: Before producers consider adopting a cover cropping practice, they need to see that it does not impact their yields and offers a benefit to their cropping system. As producers invest heavily in their equipment, integration of cover crops into current cropping systems will be more readily adopted if application methods are able to fit into current systems without requiring further investment.

Cover crops: Oats, rye or a combination of oats and rye cover crops will be planted

Typical rotations: Corn/soybeans/wheat, corn/soybeans/white beans/wheat, or corn/soybeans

Seeding methods: Drone, broadcast and drilled. These methods reflect the diversity of farming practices amongst OSCIA members.

  • Treatment 1: Broadcast rye/oats after grain corn harvested (before leaf drop for soybeans)
  • Treatment 2: Drilled rye/oats after grain corn (or soybeans) harvested
  • Treatment 3: Drone applied rye or oats before grain corn or soybeans harvested
  • Treatment 4: Harvest spreader at time of harvest
  • Control: No cover crop applied

Research locations

Fifteen sites have been proposed of which eleven have been confirmed. Aerial imagery shows one of the sites – the Huronview demo farm – between 2015 and 2020.

Further location details coming soon!

Partners and Collaborators

Huronview demonstration farm changes between 2015 and 2020 – more details to be added as the research project progresses

Project updates

Research is underway – check back soon for more updates!