Heartland Soil & Crop

2025 Program


Decoding the Precision Ag Market

Cory Weber, FS Partners; Dilan Boisvert, FieldView; Jonathan Zettler, Fieldwalker Agronomy; Graham Burton, Premier Equipment; Dr. John Sulik, UG [Moderator]
What are the business models behind Precision Ag services? Setting realistic expectations for ROI.

Where to Start with Precision Ag

Dr. John Sulik, UG and Dale Steele, Steele Ag Insights, AB
What keeps you up at night? Leveraging Precision Ag to address farmers’ agronomic problems.

If You Can Map It, You Can Manage It

Dale Steele, Steele Ag Insight, AB
Quantifying field variability using many types of sensor data to inform management.

Transforming Data into Management

Graham Burton, Premier Equipment; Aaron Breimer, Moose Ag; Brendan Louwagie, Sylvite; Danny Jefferies, Honeyland Ag Services [Moderator]
Various tools and technologies will be discussed that are used to address specific problems and provide solutions that enhance management and improve ROI.

Validating the Results

Dr. Adrian Correndo, UG; Dr. Scott Shearer, The Ohio State University
How to measure agronomic significance of precision management, driving informed decision making.

The Future of Precision Agronomy

Dr. Scott Shearer, The Ohio State University
What’s coming down the road? What top experts are talking about.

2025 Sponsors

Main Sponsor

Syngenta Canada Logo